Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Man from War

The teens filed into the class
each one excited to see the TV
the class would go by fast
Each one wondered what they would see

The teacher turned off the lights
each teen sat back to enjoy
Some hoped for fun, others for knights
thrills in each girl and boy

The screen sprang to life
the scene started to unfold
a face filled with strife
terrible images to behold

The teens leaned away
This was not what they wanted
what would their parents say
when they woke, dreams haunted

The images of war glared
faces filled with determined fear
each teen mind, not prepared
closed eyes, regardless of peer.

Near the end of the class
the teacher turned it off
"This has gone and pass,
and to watch is tough"

"But we must never forget,
You are able to watch these
because of these vets
who enabled you to be free"

The teacher walked out
each teen sat still
of none was there a shout
the memory of the killed.

Jo-Anne was the first to speak
"We should learn much more"
all agreed, from jock to geek
to speak with one from war.

It soon became a class project
To find someone with a story
every family was thoroughly checked
Until they found a man named Lori

His tale was not of victory
but of friends, long since gone
The theme quite contradictory
To make friends till your last dawn

"If you have good close friends"
Lori's voice did rasp
"War inside you will quickly end,
something some people don't grasp"

He said that war would be for not
if they did not live this way
"do not accept your own lot"
he would repeatedly say

Each student took this to heart
this class became so close
making friend they all did start
kindness and compassion they showed

Now, as adults they speak,
"We must do this and more"
all agreed, from jock to geek,
to remember those from war.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Refine Me

Life has a knack for tossing us around. Some days it feels like the whole world just lands on your gut at the first moment your eyes open. It seems like God's no where to be found, and you're not just up the creek without a paddle, but you're in the middle of the ocean in the row boat, and there's a storm going on around you and it's all you can do to not drown. You can't see any light or land for the rain and you feel beaten and abused. 

And then something happens, be it a phone call from your parents are a hug from a friend, and it's like God just placed you in the eye of the storm. Around you is still gray, and you still have issues and the world to deal with, but for that moment, you look up and you see a glorious deep blue sky and the warmth of the sun gives you relief. How much more you appreciate that moment of peace and quiet after you've gone through the storm.

God always has you in his eyes, even if you can't see him for the rain. Some times it's Satan, dumping buckets of water on your head and all you need to do is step to the right to see God. Sometimes, there is a colossal storm and for that moment, even if you can't see God, you have to trust that he can see you. But for all that the world and Satan tries to tell us otherwise, God can turn absolutely ANYTHING around for his good. He's always got a plan, no matter what. And he allows us to go through hardships so that we can be stronger in Him, and His glory can be brighter. 

If you want to be fit or loose weight, you exercise. It's a pain in the butt and for days you feel sore and stiff. Faith and Trust are the same thing. They are like muscles that this world had forgotten to use and they need to be exercised. Unfortunately, we, even as children, learn consequences through pain. I am not belittling natural disasters or famine or flood. I am saying that God allows those things to happen so that we can grow in him and be an example of him. In order to grow stronger and healthier in faith and trust, we need to be tested. Only then will they become healthy. 

We need God to refine us, even if it means suffering. We are crude coal and he sees diamonds in us. Let him mold you into his plan. I promise you, even though the storm is great, and you are tired and hurt, the end result will be far better than any other exercise you can do.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Faith Fall

Hey everyone!

So a friend of mine got me onto this website called Describli.com. It gives you a choice of four prompts and you get to pick on and write a short story based on it. It's great because it gives a author a chance to get some peer reviews as well as co write something with another author, which is always fun.

The only snag about this is that you have to have an account set up in order for to view other's writings. So if I share it on FB, that means that the person who clicks on it has to have an account set up. That part sucks. Anyway, I have a couple people who want to read my short story (YAY) so I decided that I'll also post them here, that way, if you don't want an account on Describli, then you can check it out here for no hassle :). So here is my first story for you. Enjoy!


Faith Fall

The cry of the gulls echoed off the cliff side. The sun was just a rim of red that was shooting off it's last rays of light in to the wisps of purple clouds. The fire crackled, shooting out sparks to join the waking stars. A slight breeze brought with it the scent of the ocean far below. All was silent as the pair gazed out at the last breath of day.


Baza turned to little Kirna, his youngest girl. "Yes, m'dear gi'l?"

Kirna held her hands out to the fire. Her long cloak was wrapped tightly around her with her fur lined hood on her little red head. When she looked up at Baza the hood fell back a little. Her green eyes were serious. "Why is this place called Faith Fall?"

Baza smiled at the little girl. She was his most curious child of the four. Rana, the oldest, was much like her name sake, his sister; adventurous and rambunctious. His twin sons, Tifro and Tisko, were more like his wife, Emer; stubborn with a thirst for knowledge. Kirna, however, was the carbon copy of Baza, aside from the slightly pointed ears of her mothers elfin heritage. She was serious about things she was curious about or found wrong, but otherwise she laughed easily and loved openly. Baza gazed at the little girl for the moment that it took for all these thoughts to cross his mind. How did he get so lucky?

"Well, m'dear gi'l," Baza said, using his nickname for her alone. "It's because this was once a tragic place with very little hope. You remember the story from your lessons?"

Kirna scrunched up her face in concentration and then shook her head, looking at him innocently. "Will you tell it to me again? I can't seem to 'member." she slipped back into her lisp that she had long since outgrown but used whenever she was playing innocent.

Baza chuckled and pulled Kirna onto his lap for the telling. "Once, year-turns ago, there was an evil weapon. It wanted to control everythin' and whoever held it would soon do whatever the sword wanted. It sound's strange for a sword to want or do anythin' without a master, but this was a magical sword. It was made by the elves many year-turns before this story; the method long since lost. This sword soon had a master that grew twisted enough to try to command all of Lyrose." Baza paused to take a deep breath.

Kirna snuggled into her papa's chest, nestling her head under his chin. Baza held her tight. "That bad man was Risaran, right Papa?"

Baza nodded against her head and took another deep breath. He was grateful that his children were safe. "That's right. And Risaran would brin' anyone he deemed too dangerous to this cliff, where he had a bad camp built. At that time it was called Cursed Cape. It was known all over Lyrose and feared by many, for good reason. He would bind the captives hands with a length of rope between the wrists and then tie the feet tightly together. Then he would hang them by that length of rope and hold a torch over it, just close enough to singe and slowly burn. Eventually, the prisoner's rope would snap and they would fall to the waves below."

Kirna shuddered and snuggled even closer to Baza. She had heard this story many times and hated this part. It made her angry and hurt for those that had died. "Papa, if it was such a bad place, why is it now called Faith Fall? Why is it not cursed anymore?" Ever the determined girl, she was not going to let him dwell in the past.

"Well, m'dear gi'l," Baza said with a slight smile. "Because this was also the place of the greatest rescue." Kirna wiggled a little. This was her favorite part. Baza chuckled. "See, your mama was once a prisoner of Risaran. She decide not to wait for him to bind her. She just turned and looked at Risaran and said 'I have faith, where you have hate.' Then she turned and jumped." Baza took a deep breath and shook his head at the memory.

"And then she flew, right Papa?"

Baza laughed and started tickling little Kirna. "Yes, you little tiger. You knew this story all along."

Kirna's high sequels could be heard at the homestead just behind the pair. Emer came out of the house and walked over to them.

"Mama!" Kirna jumped off Baza and into Emer's waiting arms.

"What have you been up to little red elf?" Emer asked with a smile.

"Papa was telling me about how you flew! You just jumped into thin air and showed all them bad guys that they needed a little faith." Little Kirna summed up the whole story in her little sentence with so much glee that Emer laughed.

"Well, why don't you head to your mat and dream of flying. Papa and I will be there to tuck you in shortly." Emer said with a smile. Kirna nodded, hugged both of her parents and skipped into the homestead.

"You never grow tired of that story, do you my dear?" Emer asked, shaking her head.

Baza stood up and took his wife into his arms. "I will never forget how you taught me to fall on faith." He kissed her nose and then they turned towards the homestead together, holding each other the whole way. The fire sent its last sparks to the sky.


Yes I did use characters from my novel in progress. It's surprisingly difficult to create new characters when you have been so focused on one set of main characters for so long. This one I had fun writing, taking my characters into a new setting. Next stories, however, I'll work on different characters so that I can become more versatile. Hope you all enjoyed!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Date Night Challenge

Hey everyone!

I'M BACK! Woot! Oh Cozy Window Seat, how I've missed you! It's been unbelievably busy with my new position at work and with the family trip that unfortunately I couldn't cozy on up on the window seat and just read a book for days on end. At least, figuratively speaking. Now I'm back home and used to the new routine and I'm ready to go.

Now, I need you're help. I have a confession to make. My hubby and I are movie nuts. That's right ladies and gents, we go to the movies, where they over price popcorn, pop, peanut butter m&m's, never mind the actual movie tickets. If there are three good movies in the theater in the run of a month we will go see each one. That is how we date. I love my hubby but at the same time, dinner and a movie can become monotonous. Don't get me wrong, I still dress up and I still love to spend time with my hubby and yes I do love going to the movies. However, I've found that once we get into a habit, it's hard to think up anything else to do.

Thus, my need for your help. There are many people in the blogging world and many of you, of course, go on dates. So, here is my challenge and plea for help. We need new dating ideas! But here's the catch. My goal is not only to be different with the dates but to also cut back on the amount of money we are spending. Like I said, the price for a movie and dinner is just ridiculous and since we want to eventually have a house, we are looking to save. Also, both my hubby and I have insane schedules, and he only has a week in advanced knowledge of what he works. So these dates need to be flexible and easy to do.

Will you accept my cry for help and challenge? Leave a comment with your date ideas and when we pick one I'll post how it goes :) I thank you in advanced.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Someone Else to Someone

Ever watch the news? When something bad happens, are you ever glad that it isn't happening to you? Sure, your horrified, and you feel bad for the person, but in the back of your mind you would rather it be them than you. When we are warned, as children, about horrible tragedies, we always seem to feel as if that event would never happen to us, but would happen to someone else.

Let me show you the flaw in that kind of thinking: Inevitably, at some point, we are that "someone else" to someone.

These last few days we have been that "someone else." We have slept with one eye open, our arms secure around our loved ones, fearful of every noise. Those who don't believe in prayer have been brought to their knees and those who do believe in prayer have prayed constantly. Men have fallen and women and children have cried. Suddenly, all the violence that we hear about in other cities was in our own back yard.

In all my wildest imaginings, it never crossed my mind that I would live in a city where the words 'manhunt' would be predominant in our newspapers. The idea that the 'bad guy' was so close was unreal and unnerving.We were all worried and scared. All I wanted to do was hold my hubby and stay inside.

By mid day yesterday, June 5, the streets were barren and everyone was at home. No one ventured out. Everyone held their breath. The fine people in the RCMP, worked round the clock to make our city, our back yard, safe again. Even though we were not prepared for what happened, the RCMP was quick to respond and they did an astounding job. They allowed us the privilege of fear and worry. They risked their lives so that we could hold our loved ones, while their loved ones could only hold each other and watch.

David Ross, Fabric Georges Gevaudan, and Douglas James Larche laid down their lives for us on Wednesday, June 4th. They will never come home to their families. To think that someone can be so quickly brought down by a man-made instrument strikes home the fragility of life. To think that all of the hard work of mothers in labor can easily be erased in only seconds, makes my heart pound with fear for the those that I love. These men should not die in vain. We should learn from the way that these men lived.

They loved passionately and they fought valiantly. To be a good RCMP officer, you need to believe in what you protect and be quick to face dangers so that other do not have to. They still feel fear because they are human and they should. It is this fear that makes them hero's when they left everything behind to protect our streets. It is because of this fear that they are brave. It is those three names that I will remember and respect.

The last couple of days we have been that someone else. And while we were not prepared, we did survive and we will continue to thrive. We need to use this experience to bring us closer together as a community and as a family. If we don't take it upon ourselves to love others as Jesus loves us and pray as a first defence, rather than a last defence, than those RCMP officers who have lost their lives will have lost them in vain and we will always be that "someone else" to someone.


Saturday, May 31, 2014

Beauty Regardless of Rush

Hello all!

So, the last time I did a walk to take pictures was back in the middle of winter after the first serious snow storm. Now, when I was back in University during my first year, I would take regular walks and take pictures. Now that I've graduated and got married, things seemed to have kicked into high gear, and it's not often that I'm able to just have a day where I don't feel like I need to rush about. Yes there are still things that I need to do but I don't feel like they have to get done now, I can wait a moment or two between tasks. So this morning, after I had finished reading yet another book, I decided that before I ate breakfast that I would go out on this beautiful spring day and take some pictures.

Now It's warm enough to be Summer, and it's the last day of May, but it's still spring so Spring pictures it was. To start off this little gallery, I decided that I would take some pictures of our two dogs, Gandalf and Rhya. Amazingly enough, it was the easiest time I had ever had taking pictures of these two pups. Now, just to note, these two dogs are inseparable. At one point about a year or two ago, I took Gandalf out to take his picture. I just went to the back yard, not that far at all. Apparently, according to my hubby, Rhya had sat at the top of the stairs whimpering the entire time. These two really are a pair. So without further ado...

They love to investigate everything and anything is suspicious
Rhya has to be one of the laziest active dogs that I know.
She loves to play but most times she just wants to cuddle.

Gandalf is by far the most playful pup of the two.
 He loves to run, and would run himself to death if we let him.

These two really are the best of friends and love being together.


Ok, now that the cute pups are done, I decided to head out on the short walk. Now I usually like the pictures to tell some sort of story, so I hope you enjoy the journey...

Life always starts, from a tiny seed, and no
matter how far we roam, we always find our way home.
And with the sun's help, we will grow like the wild flowers
it's light gazing down on us through the shower.
There are always bends in the road, during our travels,
and sometimes the bend doesn't seem to have an end.
But if we just keep on walking, and trusting in our Lord,
just maybe we'll find our way down the road.
Though sometimes we don't have a clear view of the sky,
the sun will always be there, even in a sigh.
So every so often, w just need to stop

And take some time to play
And lift our faces towards the rays

So whether your blessing seem large
Or just very small
Your road very flat
Or so bumpy you'll fall
Whether your life is a clean cut lawn
or just a mess of weeds
Look up you'll still see the sky

And you'll still grow, by and by



Sunday, April 27, 2014

Loudest words spoken

There was once I knew an eccentric woman,
Though some may have called her strange,
Her actions were the loudest words spoken,
Each person she met experienced a change.

For some it may have been passing,
For others a lifelong trek.
For help she never was asking
On others she’d rather check.

Her love for her family and friends
Was more than words can express
To each event she was bound to attend
And she always had the best dress.

Though she is in heaven, smiling from above,
I’ll always remember that eccentric woman
Who taught me that family was a labor of love
And that actions were the loudest words spoken.

~ In loving memory of Mary Lee Weiler

Friday, April 11, 2014

What is Easter to you?

Easter.... what's the first image that comes comes mind? Is it bunny rabbits? or maybe eggs? or how about the look on your child's face as they break open the chocolate and find candy inside the hollowed out bunny? The word "Easter" typically conjures up such wonderful images. As children it seemed we looked forward to Easter in much the same way as we looked forward to Halloween. It doesn't hold quite the same place in our minds as Christmas or our birthday, as those are days when we receive 'substantial' gifts; but we do get sweets and things at Easter, so it's worth noting in many young minds.

I wonder how many children in today's society think about the greatest gift that was ever given on this planet we call Earth? See, at Christmas we speak of the greatest gift ever given, Jesus Christ as God coming to live with us; not among us, mingling about, but as one of us, with all of our hurts and joys. But there was a second gift that was give to us and it arrived on Easter. See if God had just come down to live with us, that would have been spectacular in itself. However, if he had not died on Good Friday, and then rose again on Easter, would we be worshiping a Risen Savior?

How would our world look if Jesus had not risen on that long ago Easter morning? Well, nine times out of ten, I would not be writing this down. I am a 'gentile' as the scholars call us; not a Jew. I would probably not attend church and I probably would not have the belief that I have now. But then, who am I to speculate what could have been? When I let my mind wander, and I try to picture a world where Jesus stayed in his grave, it is not a pretty picture that I see. Jesus didn't just give us an example of what we should do in our day to day lives. He gave us an instruction manual for a life-style. This manual consists of two words: Self-sacrificing Love.

How many times have I gone through life and not done the right thing because I was afraid of what the results would cost me? Maybe my reputation, relationships, good opinions, or worldly goods would be lost. My mind would weigh the cost and if I found the value of what I would loose to high, I would be tempted to shy away from the hard option of my choice. I would wish to go the easier road, rather than the one "less traveled by," to coin a phrase. Jesus did not make the easy choice. Because he was human he did ask for an easier rout, but He decided to die for us because that was what was necessary for our salvation.

What do you think of when you think of Easter? Myself, I think of the sacrifice that was given on my behalf. I remember that if it were not for the gift that I had been given, I would be living a very different life right now. When I think of how hard life is and how much I wish it could be simpler, I need to remember that my life is simpler, because Jesus took the burden that I would have otherwise been living with. I am free today because Jesus loved me enough to give me the gift of his life; the prime example of self-sacrificing love. What is Easter to you?

Saturday, February 22, 2014


My breath caught as I watched the fight. It was the fiercest one that I had ever seen. The land was at stake. Everything that we knew and loved would be lost if he lost this fight and there was nothing I could do about it. My heart pounded as I saw blow after blow just miss it's target by a breath. I was ready for anything, but if they hurt him, they were dead.

Superhero Max fought valiantly against the Evil Nicholas. SM was the strong and true one who worked to save the planet from the evil plots that EN dished out over and over again. It was always amazing to see how many times EN failed. We always wondered at such a stupid villain.

There are many times in my life when I watch a child and I see that they are in their own universe with their own people and stories. They may tell me all about it and I may have no clue what they said but I do know that in their world, all things work out well. Nothing can truly harm them because they always come out on top. I know this because my brother and I did the same thing.

See, unlike today's children, to whom seem to enjoy a computer or TV more than the great out doors, my brother and I had the delight of playing outside, snow or shine, and coming up with our own games and fun. What I particularly liked about these imaginary games was that we could be whoever we wanted to be, and to heck with what anyone else thought. Ben loved Dragon Tales growing up, so he wanted to be Superhero Max, after the little boy in the show. I was always a bit of an odd ball (still am ^.-) and a hippie, so I went by the name of Hearts. Yes, as time went on the names changed to Bennie and Kelsena to now Gage and Emer, but the plot never truly changed. We still were fighting some form of evil and we were still winning.

I always joke around by saying that if you move a lot then you are either a military family or a pastors family. We are a pastors family, and as a result, we moved around a lot later in life. Some say that it is because we moved around a lot that we are such good friends. However, I believe that we were the best of friends long before we became a pastors family and started moving around. I think that it started with SM and Hearts against EN.

To this day my brother is still one of my best friends.  I've found that I can talk to him about anything. He's grown into a man of few words (some would say that's my fault from a young age) and therefore does not open up to a lot of people. I always find it funny when I tell someone that I had a two hour long conversation with my brother because they seemed shocked to find out that he knows more than the words 'k' and 'fine.' In fact, I'll be honest, it's strange to see him have a conversation with anyone else. Gaming conversations don't count, the subject matter is provided.

My brother is brilliant and he is working to get his B.A. and is hoping to continue further in his studies. Where he ends up only God knows. But there is one lesson that I hope he never forgets amid life and it's the same lesson I learned long ago; If you have the will and the determination to beat what ever obstacles are in your way, what you dream in your imaginary world just might come true and you just might end up on top.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Our Story

                When I woke up that morning, I was exhausted. I had slept, but my body still felt groggy and sluggish. I slowly got dressed and started planning for my day. I had two tests: Old Testament and New Testament.  I had been studying the night before and my brain was running through the Hebrew order of the books of the Old Testament and the layout of the temple for the New Testament . As I ate breakfast I ran through the copious amount of notes that I had scribbled down on an old file folder; making notes alongside all my other notes.

                When I arrived at the university my boyfriend was waiting for me. I quickly gave him a kiss and a hug and then settled down in the great hall to study some more. I even ditched my first class so that I could study for my second class, which was Old Testament. Out of the two tests that I had had before hand I had passed one and failed another. I was as determined as I had ever been not to fail this one, else I’d have to take the class again since there was no exam; or that was what I feared anyway. All around me was a blur. I don’t remember if I talked to anyone or if anyone talked to me. I did know that my boyfriend was sitting next to me but that was about it.

                After my test I was feeling a smidgen better. Old Testament was the one that I had been the most worried about and the one that I had studied the hardest for. New Testament I knew enough to finally pass one of the tests so I wasn’t too worried about it. My boyfriend and I decided to go to worship chapel before the test to give me a break from studying. Throughout the chapel he held my hand and occasionally would smile at me. I’d smile back and sing some more. Afterwards he suggested that we go to the lecture hall so that I could finish studying for New Testament.

                When we entered into the lecture hall there was only one other person there. I shrugged and continued walking up the steps but, behind me, my boyfriend said “ah crap.” I just shrugged again. He wasn’t going to interrupt our studying so I didn't see the point in being annoyed that he was there. I just sat down at our usual seats, second row from the back for this particular class, and started pulling my books out and preparing to study. After a few moments by boyfriend took my hand and said off handily, “this is where we first met, isn’t it?”

                I looked up from my studying and said, “yup, it was actually the row below us.” After a moment of silence I looked up again and he was smiling at me. “Oh no,” I said. “Oh yes,” he said and then got down on one knee in the little isle in front of his seat, smiling, his other hand was behind his back.  “Brianna Lynn deJong, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” I grinned and bounced up and down in my seat, my studying momentarily forgotten, as I said yes I would marry him.

                This has pretty much been the definition of our relationship from before our engagement to years after our wedding. Our engagement was no easy swim and our marriage is most certainly not always a walk in the park. Sometimes it feels as if I’ve gotten into something above my head and I’m just barely able to breath for the stress. Josh has been one of the only constants in the last almost three years of our marriage, four years, almost five, if you count how long we’ve known one another. He knows what to say to calm me down or distract me from my stress and he knows what to say to allow me to let out how I actually feel, rather than pretend that I’m ok, as I do with many others. There are days where I think to myself, by golly what did I do to marry this man and then he does something and I remember why I said ‘I do.’

                At one point in time during our engagement, someone from church asked me what I loved about Josh. I didn’t really even have to think. My instant response was that he could make me smile, even when I hated him. There are sometimes when choosing to love is not easy. But if there is one thing that Josh has taught me over the years, it is how to choose to love. My goodness, I’m not claiming to be any good at it.  In fact, there are some days where I downright suck at it, and then I get angry at myself for not doing what I should to be the best wife that I can be. When he notices this he just smiles, gives me a big hug and says that I am the best wife he could ever ask for. He still loves me no matter what and shows this to me daily. It took me a while, I’ll admit, to even notice the little things that he did to show his love. Now when he does something as simple as draw me a bubble bath I get giggly and I can’t help but smile.

Some may say that we are still in our ‘honey moon’ stage and that those feelings will pass. I like to try to be a bit optimistic. Choosing to love another human being in the way that the recipient feels loved is what can save many marriages. I’m not going to lie. There are sometimes when I am a very selfish person and I want what I want and that’s just the way it’s going to be. My husband is not like that. He is a very giving person, opinionated to the ridiculous sometimes, but giving. He thrives on service and to not volunteer to help out at church or at work is just weird to him. I honestly am not geared that way, though I’m learning and quickly. I thrive on encouragement. If my husband tells me that I can write a novel and get it published than I’ll work my hardest when I’m working on is and it will be great. If someone tells me that I can’t write a novel and have it published, I’ll work on it just to prove them wrong and it will be mediocre at best. My husband is my encourager and because he is so bluntly honest, I know that when he encourages me, he truly believes what he is saying and is not just saying it to ‘stay out of the dog house’ as it were. I believe that if we hold fast to our faith and hold fast to our constant choice to love each other in the best way we can, that our relationship will survive anything. Besides, we already said that the only way we can get rid of each other is if one of us killed the other, and to be quite frank, I’d miss my hubby far too much to do that.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mouthing My Lines

I was standing on the stage with the lights blinding me so that I could not see the audience. I was wearing a cardboard box decorated to looks like a Christmas present and I had a big red bow in my hair. Beside me was a boy from my class who was dressed similarly only the bow was on the front of the box. I don't remember the lines that I had to say back then but I do remember being quite proud of my role and how well I knew my part. I also knew that, throughout my performance, my mom was sitting in the front row, mouthing my lines as I said them.
For the past few weeks we had been practicing our Sunday school production over and over with my mom directing. She had and still has a knack for getting kids in order and putting on a show. I'm not sure if I got the role because I was good for it or if it was because my moms' daughter but I truly didn't care. I felt that my mom believed in me and that was why I had such an important role.
Despite what life sometimes throws at us, I still feel that my mom believes in me no matter what. The evidence is in whenever I create something. She adamantly proclaims that it is hers, regardless of my plans. She is one of my biggest fans and she doesn't hesitate to tell me. She is quick to praise and slow to criticize.
My mom is my best friend. Like all best friends we sometimes fight but we always make up. More often than not we get along fantastically.  I know that if I had a problem I could go and talk to her about it and she would help me through it. I also know that if I just wanted to waste time and chat for a bit that I could easily talk to my mom for a good two or three hours, just for the heck of it! Not many daughters can say that about their moms.
If anything has changed since that production so long ago, it is that my mom and I are closer than ever before, for which I am always grateful. I am proud to be her daughter and am so happy to have the privilege to call her friend. And just like that day so long ago, I know that if I'm ever in the spotlight again, she will be sitting in the front row, mouthing my lines as I say them.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fresh Cut Grass

The sun was shining on the warm summer day as I rode my bike around in the yard with my little brother. The breeze picked up the scent of fallen apples from the apple orchard and the cars on the road could be heard under our laughter. It was summer and we were having a blast.

Then we heard a truck pull into the drive way and our bikes were forgotten. We looked up and saw our dad's green landscaping truck as he drove into to the entrance of the two door garage. He stepped out of the truck once it was turned off and my brother and I dash to greet our dad. He was covered from head to toe in dirt and cut grass and he had a checker print sun burn on his face from his straw hat. Even though he was probably exhausted he still grinned when he saw us, giving us each a warm bear hug that always smelled like fresh cut grass.

Mom would come out and tell Dad that he wasn't allowed in the house till he hosed off all the dirt. He'd nod and go and clean as much of the dirt off as he could before going into the house. We kids would follow him inside, chattering about how our day was, never once thinking that he might just want silence after a long exhausting day. He keep smiling, ask us questions and answering our questions and then he would go to take a shower to wash the rest of the grim off.

My dad is now a pastor, and it's not often that he has to hose off outside before coming into the house. Instead of digging into the dirt of the ground, he now digs into the grit of the bible and strives to find what is planted in it's words. Now when I hug my dad he smells like the church building or of books, still a comforting smell to me, but I'll admit it's not the smell of my childhood. Things change and people grow and sometimes, what was once familiar is now so far from the present that it's hard to reconcile the two images.

The father of my childhood was a hard working man who toiled in the ground and who sought to make little seedlings sprout into a glorious rose bush. He would take that bush and he would care for it, trimming and watering as needed. Now he is a man who seeks to help plant God's seeds and to encourage with God's works, watering and trimming if God allows. It is still the same practice, it is still the same concept, except, instead of using the watering can, in a sense, he is the watering can and God's the one who's holding him and that makes me so proud to be his daughter.

There are still those days when he works in landscaping. I love those days. I may grumble about clearing rocks and getting dirt under my finger nails (what girl truly doesn't) but I still like working alongside my dad because it reminds me of my childhood and the way things were then. I love it when he cuts grass because I absolutely love the smell of the freshly cut grass. And then when I hug him I'm reminded that even thought we both have changed through out the years and have had our ups and downs, he's still my daddy and I know in my heart that when he comes driving in I can abandon my bike, run and give him a big bear hug and even with the smell of books, he still smells like freshly cut grass.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Road and To do lists.

I had just dropped off my husband at work. My mind was focused on shifting my mental gears into my job and writing while my hand shifted gears in my car. 1st gear, getting into the process of what my to do list is for today; learning new terms, make a few phone calls; second gear, meet new bosses, eat lunch; third gear; writing. Once I had reached third gear I stayed there for a while. The car was running smoothly through traffic and in my mind was a solid to do list. Occasionally I would go to fourth gear and think about what to do tonight once I got home but otherwise I stayed in third and ran through the to do list.

What was really interesting is that all through my to do list, not once did my eyes leave the road and glance at the scenery. Not once did my mind leave the to do list and thank God that I am alive one more day on His great earth. Not once did I think that I even love my hubby. Only to do and road.

Isn't that how we run our lives? Isn't that how we go by day to day. We focus on our list of things that need to be accomplished and we think of how best to get revenge on that 'pipsqueak' who just cut us off. We think of getting our children to school and dashing past the homeless person on the side of the road, thinking to ourselves, 'I'll help them later' when really, we won't even notice them on the way back because we are thinking of what to have for supper and putting up our feet for some 'me time.'

It is increasingly obvious that today's society has become a society of 'I' rather than Him. We try to run our lives and we blame Him when things go wrong. We can't comprehend that the world does not revolve around our to do list and the road. We are always on the road moving from to do list to to list. There is never an end, never a 'break.'

When I turned into my works parking lot I looked at the sky and there was a brilliant red sunrise. It was the most of the sun that I would likely see today since it was overcast. But even in the busyness of my to do lists and the road, I decided to take time and thank God that I'm alive another day, and that He had the wonderful idea of putting that beautiful sunrise in my direct line of view so that I could focus on my road to him, rather than my road to to do.

** I referbished this post from my old blog. I think it's still pertinent even 2 years later. Let me know what you think!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Lonely Park

Hey all!
So, there are tons of things that I absolutely love doing and one of them is amature photography. I would not call my self the best by any stretch of imagination but I find it relaxing to capture different scenes. I'm not really a huge portrait person, I dabbled it in but that's about it. Same as my paintings, I like scenery or inanimate objects: finding beauty in items that some may not think 'beauty' at first sight.

Anyway, this morning I woke up and it was just one of <i>those</i> mornings. The ones where you just want to role back over and skip. After about an hour or so of that, I decided that I needed some fresh air, despite the cold of eastern Canada. Course, I'm not one to go for a walk without something to do or some purpose, so I take my camera and I start taking pictures. After a few moments of walking I come across a children's play park that has not been used since the last snow (no foot prints ^.^) So I pick my way through the snow and start taking pictures. Hope you enjoy.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Cozy Window Seat: An Introduction and Crochet DIY

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to my sanctuary! This is my dream place, my portfolio, my smile :) I love to share and get feed back on things. That is the purpose and design of The Cozy Window Seat. So! I'm going to get started doing that! With that in mind... Here is my first DIY!


So, I was organizing all of my yarn, as I do about twice a year, and I found that my old homemade knitting needle caddie was just not holding up to the job. On top of that I had not put my new needles into the caddie! Well that's just a not allowed. So I decided to make another one! That would have room to spare as well.

Materials needed
1 Old T-Shirt
Thread in whatever colour you want
Two needles, one to hold thread and one to hold yarn.
two colours of yarn
crochet hook is whatever size you like
Optional: buttons.


Step One:

Start crocheting with your choice of main colour of yarn. In my project, it's the left over white that I had from an old banket project. I basically went length wise so that I would be sure that the caddie would be the right size for my tallest needles. I also wanted to be able to fold over the top so that none of my needles would fall out (most annoying thing ever!). Then I just kept crocheting and placing my needles on the square till I was sure that all my needles would fit and I would have plenty of room to spare for extra needles.

Step Two:**

Cut shirt to size of crochet square with extra at the bottom, so that the ends of the needles will be protected. Use your own preference. Then use thread and needle to stitch the two short ends together. Then stick your needles in and pin the needles in, so that there are little pockets for the ends. You can choose not to do this, but I found that the needles made the giant pocket bend forward and as a result the needles just end up sliding around.

Step Three:**

This is another optional bit, but when I put the needles in their little pockets, they still leaned foward and weren't as secure as I'd like. So I cut another strip of the t-shirt to put across the middle of my needles. I also pinned and stitched, the same as I did with the bottom half. When I put the needles into those slots, they stayed upright and didn't swing around ^.^

** I did the stitching by hand and by golly it took me FOREVER! I'm sure if you are a tad craftier than me, you could probably sew it together.

Step Four:

Just to give my hands a break, I crochet my border around the white square. Both the white and the purple were done with single crochet in two different crochet hooks. I believe I only did three rows for the border. 

Step Five:

Then I crochet two strips in the purple to cover the two stips on the shirt. That way the stitches are covered and it looks more 'uniformed.'

Step Six:

To give my caddie a little flair, I then crochet a little flower and then sewed it onto the front corner of the caddie, putting a little button in the center.

(steps 2 through 3 can be done in any order you like or find understandable)

Step Seven:

Put the whole thing together! I used a large needle to pull yarn through the whole thing, joining the t-shirt with the white backing and the purple pieces covering the strips of shirt.

Step Eight:

FINALLY I crochet a quick chain using both colours of yarn and then I attached it to the end with the flower so that it would all roll together and be held tight. Also, because I used a thicker yarn for the base, the whole thing is thick and sturdy! Below are pictures of the finished product!

Hope you all enjoy and make your own knitting needle caddie. Let me know what you think and send pictures if you make one of your own!