Sunday, April 27, 2014

Loudest words spoken

There was once I knew an eccentric woman,
Though some may have called her strange,
Her actions were the loudest words spoken,
Each person she met experienced a change.

For some it may have been passing,
For others a lifelong trek.
For help she never was asking
On others she’d rather check.

Her love for her family and friends
Was more than words can express
To each event she was bound to attend
And she always had the best dress.

Though she is in heaven, smiling from above,
I’ll always remember that eccentric woman
Who taught me that family was a labor of love
And that actions were the loudest words spoken.

~ In loving memory of Mary Lee Weiler

Friday, April 11, 2014

What is Easter to you?

Easter.... what's the first image that comes comes mind? Is it bunny rabbits? or maybe eggs? or how about the look on your child's face as they break open the chocolate and find candy inside the hollowed out bunny? The word "Easter" typically conjures up such wonderful images. As children it seemed we looked forward to Easter in much the same way as we looked forward to Halloween. It doesn't hold quite the same place in our minds as Christmas or our birthday, as those are days when we receive 'substantial' gifts; but we do get sweets and things at Easter, so it's worth noting in many young minds.

I wonder how many children in today's society think about the greatest gift that was ever given on this planet we call Earth? See, at Christmas we speak of the greatest gift ever given, Jesus Christ as God coming to live with us; not among us, mingling about, but as one of us, with all of our hurts and joys. But there was a second gift that was give to us and it arrived on Easter. See if God had just come down to live with us, that would have been spectacular in itself. However, if he had not died on Good Friday, and then rose again on Easter, would we be worshiping a Risen Savior?

How would our world look if Jesus had not risen on that long ago Easter morning? Well, nine times out of ten, I would not be writing this down. I am a 'gentile' as the scholars call us; not a Jew. I would probably not attend church and I probably would not have the belief that I have now. But then, who am I to speculate what could have been? When I let my mind wander, and I try to picture a world where Jesus stayed in his grave, it is not a pretty picture that I see. Jesus didn't just give us an example of what we should do in our day to day lives. He gave us an instruction manual for a life-style. This manual consists of two words: Self-sacrificing Love.

How many times have I gone through life and not done the right thing because I was afraid of what the results would cost me? Maybe my reputation, relationships, good opinions, or worldly goods would be lost. My mind would weigh the cost and if I found the value of what I would loose to high, I would be tempted to shy away from the hard option of my choice. I would wish to go the easier road, rather than the one "less traveled by," to coin a phrase. Jesus did not make the easy choice. Because he was human he did ask for an easier rout, but He decided to die for us because that was what was necessary for our salvation.

What do you think of when you think of Easter? Myself, I think of the sacrifice that was given on my behalf. I remember that if it were not for the gift that I had been given, I would be living a very different life right now. When I think of how hard life is and how much I wish it could be simpler, I need to remember that my life is simpler, because Jesus took the burden that I would have otherwise been living with. I am free today because Jesus loved me enough to give me the gift of his life; the prime example of self-sacrificing love. What is Easter to you?