Sunday, April 27, 2014

Loudest words spoken

There was once I knew an eccentric woman,
Though some may have called her strange,
Her actions were the loudest words spoken,
Each person she met experienced a change.

For some it may have been passing,
For others a lifelong trek.
For help she never was asking
On others she’d rather check.

Her love for her family and friends
Was more than words can express
To each event she was bound to attend
And she always had the best dress.

Though she is in heaven, smiling from above,
I’ll always remember that eccentric woman
Who taught me that family was a labor of love
And that actions were the loudest words spoken.

~ In loving memory of Mary Lee Weiler


  1. Such a sweet sentiment. If only more of us let our actions speak for us more frequently. Thank you for sharing.

  2. She sounds like a great woman. Nice tribute! Enjoyed by visit!

  3. Beautiful! I'm sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers being sent your way. - Sherilyn

  4. What a beautiful poem! I'm sorry for your loss.

  5. Such a beautiful poem. I was very moved!

  6. What a beautiful poem and tribute!
