Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Old Story Teller

“Tell me a story,”

The old story teller said.

“Fill it with glory

Through which I can be led.”

“Tell me a journey,”

The old story teller asked.

“Where do they start firstly?

Which villain is masked?”

“Tell me a quest,”

The old story teller encouraged.

“What experience attested?

What fears acknowledged?”

“I’ll tell you a story,”

I did so reply.

“I’ll fill it with glory

Such that none can deny.”

“I’ll tell you a journey,”

I did so say.

“With a villain so thorny,

Only One can slay.”

“I’ll tell you a quest,”

I did so tell.

“of amazing love impress

Or so I will foretell.”

“But be very careful,”

I did so warn.

“This story is wonder-filled

The listener will be reborn.”