The Blogger!

Hello all!
My name is Brianna Picard and I'm a young wife, new mother, and learning author (what author isn't learning?). The purpose of The Cozy Window Seat is to bring a relaxed creative atmosphere to the blogging world. I enjoy crafting and writing, but I don't like to spend a lot or stress a lot. As a result, I'll work on projects over the course of a week. If I get frustrated I just leave it be. BUT! I don't start another craft project until the current one is done. This eliminates half done projects ^.^ which, while growing up, I was notorious for... Just ask my mom ^.^

The story behind the name is that I love window seats! I've been a couple places that have window seats and I just loving curling up with a bunch of pillows and a good book. It's one of those 'ideal' relaxing places for me that when we build our own house *fingers crossed* we'll be able to put it in. ^.^ Course, to make it even more relaxing, it needs to be a place of storage as well :)

So now for a bit of my story! For the first ten years of my life I lived in southern Ontario with my family. Some of my fondest memories are of the tree house that we had in our back yard. It was tripped to the nines (that's right, I said it) with swings, monkey bars, bridges, steering wheels, different ways to get up it, it was fantastic! Both my brother and I adored it! Then, when I was ten, my family moved to New Brunswick. We lived there for about four years where I made great friends and learned many things. This was also the time when I started writing ^.^ Then we moved to Nova Scotia where I met even more friends, all of which were crafty, and took my writing even further (no more fan fictions people! My own brains doing the work ^,^). Finally I graduated high school and went to university where I met my husband, got married, and then graduated with my B.A. in Sociology and English with an emphasis in creative writing. Now we have been married for a bit, are the proud parents of two sheltie dogs, one long hair cat, and six fish tanks full of fish ^.^

We started out in a small apartment and have since upgraded to a three room apartment (Bedroom, Bathroom, and Common area (living room and kitchen)). As a result, my husband and I have had to learn how to pare down, store, and get crafty with space. When we first got married the place turned into a DISASTER! Like, call Clean House (good show) type of disaster. So, during our first Christmas break together, where Josh booked the week between Christmas and new years off, we spent the ENTIRE week just cleaning. Now this is a one room studio style apartment where the only other room is a closet sized bathroom. And it took us a week to clean.... yea.... So, I've now adopted a much more organize fanatic attitude and we do our best to keep the place tidy. There are always difficulties but I've found that creativity and organized actually go hand in hand. As a result, most of the time, the place is cozy.

So I ask that you enjoy my Cozy Window Seat and feel free to leave a comment or even send ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Oooo, I love a good window seat! I had one in my bedroom growing up and loved it! I can't wait until the hubby and I add on to our home. I WILL be putting one in the bedroom!
